A unique ministry that leverages the power of Community and meets you where you are.

Text Prayer Requests 678-252-9254
Prime Time Prayer is a Ministry specifically designed as a tool for Corporate Prayer. Here is where we unite with believers from around the world to pray about current social issues, common personal struggles, submitted, prayer request and so much more. As every Remnant Believers Community Ministry is led by the Holy Spirit, so it is with Prime Time Prayer. Join us in prayer every Monday night. Of course Prime Time Prayer takes place during primetime, 8pm est/ 7pm cst. (Mk11:24-25,Phil 5:23-16, 1Thess 5:17)
Remnant Basics
Believers have a responsibility to be active, engaged and involved in the local church as instructed in scripture. We believe that Christians have a responsibility to partake in being fed and assisting the local church to meet the needs of the community it serves.
We believe that salvation is available to all who are willing to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior no matter what position in life they find themselves. We believe Romans 10:9: "Confess with your mouth Jesus Christ and believe him in your heart that God raised him from the dead that you will be saved."
Christian living-
Christians have a responsibility to operate out of obedience of the Holy Bible. We believe that the optimal approach to living a Christian life is belonging to a community of believers, whether a church, small group or believers community. We believe that a united body of believers across race, culture, economics, political views and past is one that can impact the world. We don't have to fight the good fight alone or separate!

No Strings Attached is an exciting approach to sowing into our neighborhoods, communities, families and friends. Remnant Believers Community will partner with believers across the world to operate in the true love of Christ by compiling resources to help those in need and those that can't help themselves. We will also have several pay it forward initiatives to randomly express the love of God like "free groceries" "Java on Remnant" and much, much more. If you want to get involved check out our upcoming No Strings Attached initiatives and register to join us.
Getting involved with Remnant Believers Community could not be easier. We offer a variety of ways to serve and volunteer. We are looking to connect the body of Christ across all kinds of barriers by tapping into the common goals that we all have which is to see the kingdom of God expand with new believers and an empowered believer. If you are interested in being a volunteer with Remnant check out our current volunteer opportunities

The vision and mission that Remnant Believers Community possess is a Big One! Therefore your monetary gifts will assist in funding and fulfilling the vision and mission of Remnant Believers Community. We believe that when you give to kingdom building efforts you are putting your money where your heart is.
Text to Give
Giving has never been easier. From your cell phone text the word "Give" and the amount you would like to support (i.e. Give 50) to the number 84321 and instructions will be sent to you after the first donation. Set up the account you want to give from, search GA for Remnant and all future donations will go directly to Remnant. It's just that easy.

Christian education and Leadership development are both essential for believers in the modern day church. Remnant Believers Community is committed to providing a suite of services and resources to the individual believer and church families across the world. Our suite of services and resources include:
Whether a facilitator led discussion about scripture, teacher led lesson or monologue we offer Bible study options for a diverse audience to include new converts, seasoned believers, church leaders an pastors.
christian education
If you would like to grow in your understanding and improve in your biblical acumen, then Remnant Believers Community Christian Education courses are for you. We work in partnership with trained and certified biblical teachers to offer a variety of certifications in biblical studies and theology.
Are you a leader or getting ready to go into leadership? Whether you are a church leader or a business leaders, Remnant Believers Community offers solutions for you in your leadership development. Topics like, Time Management, Delegation and Building morale on a team are a few examples of topics we cover in our leadership classes.
Being a pastor is one of the loneliest positions in leadership in the church. The truth is pastors are usually the ones that have to suffer in silence. Remnant Believers Community understands that and offers Pastors an exclusive forum to share, be transparent and learn from other pastors and senior leaders, a true opportunity to be poured into in a unique intimate setting.