Remnant Basics


Believers have a responsibility to be active, engaged and involved in the local church as instructed in scripture.  We believe that Christians have a responsibility to partake in being fed and assisting the local church to meet the needs of the community it serves.


We believe that salvation is available to all who are willing to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior no matter what position in life they find themselves.  We believe Romans 10:9: "Confess with your mouth Jesus Christ and believe him in your heart that God raised him from the dead that you will be saved."

Christian living-

Christians have a responsibility to operate out of obedience of the Holy Bible.  We believe that the optimal approach to living a Christian life is belonging to a community of believers, whether a church, small group or believers community.  We believe that a united body of believers across race, culture, economics, political views and past is one that can impact the world.  We don't have to fight the good fight alone or separate!